Categories: Competitions

Competition Details: Topic: The project envisions a Gastronomy and cultural center near the established St. Ambrogio Market and revitalizing Piazza Annigoni through a redesign. Entry Fee: No registration fees. Timeline: Registration Deadline: August 31, 2024 Submission Deadline: September 1, 2024 Results Announcement: September 16, 2024 Prizes: 1st Prize: $1500 + Certificate 2nd Prize: $350 + Certificate 3rd…

Periplus Summer Workshops: towards a new materiality
Periplus Workshops 2024 towards a new MATERIALITY Short-term residency for designers, artists, architects, creatives & performing artists, working across all cultural fields. Periplus Workshops offers selected creative and cultural students, graduates, tutors and professionals from all over the world, the time and space to delve into a constantly open lab, where thinking through making, direct…

The Jeff Harnar Awards accepting submissions
2024 Jeff Harnar Awards The Jeff Harnar Awards for Architecture are now accepting submissions for 2024. The Jeff Harnar Awards program was created by Garrett Thornburg in 2007 to honor the memory of architect Jeff Harnar, known for his groundbreaking design in contemporary architecture in New Mexico. The deadline to apply is Monday, March 11, 2024. For…

AIA California Urban Design Awards- Students
2023 | Key Dates Call for Submissions: March 8 , 2023 Registration Deadline: April 19, 2023 Submission Deadline: May 17, 2023 AIA California’s Urban Design Awards recognizes excellence in the creation, improvement, and sustainability of our physical environment by Architects and Landscape Architects. Sustainability, as applied to this category of Design Awards, can include reduction of reliance on…

Tactical Urbanism NOW! Competition
Tactical Urbanism Now! Architecture Competition | The challenge of this competition is to imagine more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable public spaces. The idea is to think creatively and to experiment with new possibilities to improve the conditions of the cities where we live in. Exploring the potentialities of Tactical Urbanism, designers are encouraged to…

Ghirardelli Christmas Tree Competition
Ghirardelli Square and the Academy of Art University’s Christmas Tree Grove Rules and Submission Guidelines: Ghirardelli Square is happy to partner with the Academy of Art University to bring a festive holiday tree stroll to the square for a second year. Fifteen trees will be selected to be displayed at various locations throughout Ghirardelli…

Architecture at Zero Design Competition
Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design. The 2021-22 competition challenges entrants to develop affordable housing for farmworker families in Visalia, California, one of the world’s most…

The One Rendering Challenge by Architizer
The 2nd Annual One Rendering Challenge is open for entries! Submit your rendering before the Regular Entry Deadline on December 4th 2020 Find more information and how to enter your work under this link:

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF DESIGN 2021 WHEELWRIGHT PRIZE International competition for early-career architects to win 100,000 USD research fellowship accepting applications through January 31, 2021 Cambridge, MA (November 17, 2020) — The Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) is pleased to announce the 2021 cycle of the Wheelwright Prize, an open international competition…

2021 Edmund N. Bacon Urban Design Awards Student Design Competition
First Prize: $5,000! Founded in 2006 in memory of Philadelphia’s iconic 20th century city planner, Edmund N. Bacon [1910-2005], the Edmund N. Bacon Urban Design Awards honor both professionals and students whose work epitomize excellence in urban design. Each year, a professional who has made significant contributions to the field of urban planning - through conviction of…

Student Poster Contest
Dear Students, The University has started a poster contest with prizes to win. Show your skills, design a poster, win a prize, and get showcased in all media outlets at the University. We hope that many of our Architecture students will join this. competition. The deadline is July 24th and the first 3 prizes win…

Call for Artists India Basin Shoreline Park Project
CALL FOR ARTISTS 900 Innes - India Basin Shoreline Park Public Art Project The San Francisco Arts Commission invites artists and artist teams residing in the United States to submit qualifications to the Bayview Artist Registry to be considered for the 900 Innes - India Basin Shoreline Park Public Art Project. Artists with a meaningful connection to the…

SARA NY Design Awards 2020
Design Competition Open to Students Registration Deadline July 7 2020 Submission Deadline July 14 2020 Student Entry Fee $50 One project in the student category will receive an award of $1,000. SARA NY 2020 Design Awards Past Year's Winners (firms and students) About SARA National The Society of American Registered Architects…

Edmund N. Bacon 2020
2020 Edmund N. Bacon Urban Design Awards Student Design Competition Brief $25 | per entry at the time of submission $5,000 | First Prize Award Sign up now for more information IMPORTANT DATES August 1, 2019: Full Competition Packet released + Competition opens November 22, 2019: Final date to submit entries February 2020 (date…

SD Design Challenge
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon® 2020 Design Challenge This is a collegiate competition for energy-efficient, renewable buildings. In this Challenge that spans one to two academic semesters, students will get hands-on experience working on multidisciplinary teams to envision the future of the built environment. Complete details are available in the Design Challenge Rules. November…

2019/2020 Steel Competition
2020 STEEL DESIGN STUDENT COMPETITION 20th Annual ACSA/AISC Student Competition Category I URBAN FOOD HUB: Life of a Steel Building Category II OPEN The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce the 20th annual Steel Design Student Competition for the 2019-2020 academic year. Administered by the Association of Collegiate Schools of…

eVolo Competition
2020 Skyscraper Competition Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Jan 28, 2020 @ 11:59 PM (EDT) eVolo Magazine is pleased to invite architects, students, engineers, designers, and artists from around the globe to take part in the 2020 Skyscraper Competition. Established in 2006, the annual Skyscraper Competition is one of the world’s most prestigious awards for high-rise architecture. It…

International Design Competition
International Design Competition Architecture of Inheritance Aditya College of Architecture (ACA), was established in 2013. Since its inception, the college has continuously been working towards a vision to take architectural education ahead of the traditional curriculum and achieving higher goals in grooming better professionals every year. The college is affiliated with the University of Mumbai. The…

2020 Gabriel Prize Competition
Western European Architecture Foundation Celebrating 30 year The Western European Architecture Foundation is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote architecture drawn by hand through the Gabriel Prize The Gabriel Prize, named in honor of French architect Jacques Gabriel (1698-1782), focuses on preserving the tradition of drawing and painting for future generations of architects.…

Annual Berkeley Prize
The Annual International Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence 2020 The Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Design Excellence endowment was established in the Department of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design to promote the investigation of architecture as a social art. Each year the PRIZE Committee selects a topic important to the understanding of…

Building 4Humanity
2nd Edition of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition The NGO Building 4Humanity, Designing and Reconstructing Communities Association (Portugal) and Alliance of Architectural Modernity (Taiwan) are organizing the 2nd edition of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition. The 2019 competition welcomes applications from interdisciplinary teams composed of professionals or students. In 2019, the program brief addresses a…

Urban Confluence: Silicon Valley
A design competition that could change a student's life forever Silicon Valley will never be the same Urban Confluence Silicon Valley invites design visionaries throughout the world to help define the identity and spirit of this extraordinary region, to reflect the breathless sense of possibility we all feel, and to propel that influence and hope…

TRANSFER Architecture
Architecture Video Award 2019 Purpose The TRANSFER Architecture Video Award is an independent award, to be launched in 2019, to recognize the most creative and innovative short films in the field of architecture, city or landscape worldwide. With the TRANSFER Architecture Video Award, we aim to highlight the contributions that best represent new means of…

2018/19 Fentress Global Challenge
Re-Envisioning the Airport Terminal Building for the Year 2075 A Need for 21st Century Airport Design Global commerce and the unprecedented demand for travel and have resulted in the proliferation of airports around the world. In their short history, terminal buildings have been criticized for employing generic architectural forms that are unapologetically disconnected from their…

2019 Rookie Awards
Submissions now open! As of March 7th, submissions are now open for the 2019 Rookie Awards. We hope that you will consider submitting your work, including Spring Show projects, to this distinguished platform. Founded in 2009, the Rookies is an international awards and mentorship platform sponsored by the Autodesk. Though the Rookies, you will have the…

Urban Habitat Competition
International Student Design Competition INTRODUCTION The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce TIMBER IN THE CITY 3: Urban Habitats Competition for the 2018-2019 academic year. The competition is a partnership between the Binational Softwood Lumber Council (BSLC), ACSA and the School of Constructed Environments (SCE) at Parsons School of Design. The program is intended to engage students, working individually or in teams, to imagine the transformation of our existing cities through sustainable buildings from renewable resources, offering expedient affordable construction, innovating with new and traditional wooden materials, and designing healthy living and working…

2018-2019 Steel Design Competition
ACSA/AISC Student Competition Category 1: Intermodel Transportation Center Category 2: Open

Radical Innovation Award
Radical Innovation Award Call for Entries Open through April 30th Through an annual competition, Radical Innovation mobilizes disruptors from around the world with the ideas to propel the industry forward. The result is a creative community gathered by the same passion for innovation, introducing the dreamers to those equipped with the necessary resources to bring…

SARA National Design Awards 2019
SARA National Design Awards 2019 Deadline: August 3rd Register: The Society of American Registered Architects celebrates design excellence in architecture and design through The SARAs, an annual National Design Awards Program which attracts entries from across the country and around the world from individuals, firms, and students of architecture and allied disciplines. Awards are…

Be Original Americas Student Design Fellowship
Be Original Americas Student Design Fellowship The Be Original Americas Student Design Fellowship is now accepting applications. The deadline is March 12th The non-profit organization, dedicated to advocating for authentic design, is offering two undergraduate students currently enrolled in their 2nd or 3rd year of study the opportunity for a 7-week immersive fellowship program, June…

MG2’s R.E.D. Student Portfolio Competition
MG2’s R.E.D. Student Portfolio Competition Win an internship at one to the top architecture firms in the world! ENTER BY FRIDAY, MARCH 16 AT RED.MG2.COM The MG2 Recognizing Exceptional Design (R.E.D.) Student Portfolio Competition celebrates the work of architecture students across the nation. The students (undergraduate and graduate) awarded best overall portfolio will each…

2018 AZ Awards
2018 AZ Awards AZURE, the influential contemporary design and architecture magazine, announces the opening of submissions to the 2018 AZ Awards. Now in its 8th year, the AZ Awards competition celebrates the best in architecture and design from around the world. * Entries are juried by a panel of architects & designers at the…

Flash (1 week) Competition: Propaganda
Flash (1 week) Competition: Propaganda A ONE-WEEK EXPLORATION OF ARCHITECTURE'S ROLE IN PROPAGANDA OF THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE “All art is propaganda. It is universally and inescapably propaganda; sometimes unconsciously, but often deliberately, propaganda.” -Upton Sinclair

Tenancingo Square Mediascape Competition
Tenancingo Square Mediascape Competition Invisible and incomprehensible to most, the issues of modern day slavery are real and widespread. The Polaris Project, a leading organization in the battle against human trafficking, reports nearly 20.9 million victims worldwide fueling an obscene, yet lucrative, multi-billion dollar industry. Encompassing both labor and sex, human trafficking denies…

ADSPR #wewontbuildyourwall Competition
ADSPR #wewontbuildyourwall Competition ADPSR (Architects, Designers & Planners for Social Responsibility) has put out a call to submit alternative proposals to the federal government's solicitation for "more comprehensive long-term strategies related to the border wall". Submissions are due March 31, 2017. This is an opportunity to provide ideas supporting human rights, and to reinforce…