Categories: Facilities
Welcome back to Brannan!!!
We are thrilled to be back in person at 601 Brannan. To smooth the transition, our AIASAAU chapter has created the below information:
In-Person Class FAQ
(updated 1/12/2022) Pleas register for spring semester. Beginning this week, under-enrolled sections are being cancelled. ARH is offering in-person classes for the Spring 2022 semester. Called OS+ sections, in-person and remote students will learn together, but all faculty teaching in OS+ sections will be physically present in the classroom. All ARH classes will…
Onsite Classes added for Spring 2022
Spring courses begin February 7, 2022. Enrollment is open now. You can see which classes are currently available at this link: On-Campus Spring 2022 courses To register, please contact your advisor or email or call 415-618-6508 …
Using Onsite Facilities
Using Onsite Facilities The ARH shop and studio spaces are located in 601 Brannan. Drafting desks, shop access, tool checkouts are some of the resources available. Detailed information at Brannan-Facilities-Information-2024-02-06 Questions should be directed to To make a reservation, go to the Facilities, Equipment & Spaces page at Here is an…
Remote Laser Cutting & 3D Printing
Remote Laser Cutting & 3D Printing We are excited to announce that remote laser cutting and 3D printing is available! Submit your digital files via email to the fabrication shops at 1849 Washington and pick up in person OR pay for shipping to have the pieces mailed to you. Shipping is available within the…
Using Onsite Facilities in Spring 2021
Dear Students, During the Pandemic the University has concentrated all onsite woodshop and studio facilities at 1849 Washington (“The Warehouse” - please see below plan for the location of the entrance gate). This link leads to a menu of opportunities and course fees for using these onsite Facilities. To sign up for the resources…
Shop Orientation and Safety
Dear ARH Students, Welcome to the fabrication shop at 1849 Washington! To view shop policies and safety rules, please read Basic Shop Proficiency Guide-- 2020 Afterwards you will need to complete a safety quiz and submit a usage agreement before you can reserve time to work on shop machinery. Links to the quiz…
Spring 2021 Housing Short Stay Program
Spring 2021 Housing Short Stay Program • Flexible housing rates • Available for the months of March, April, or May (can do all three if they chose to) • Application would be setup in StarRez (Housing system) • $1475/month, $75 deposit. No cancellation fees/charges (if they are a no-show, charges are reversed) • Student…
Online Research Database JSTOR
JSTOR is a research database that offers full text scholarly journals covering a wide range of arts, architecture, music, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. 1. Go to the AAU Library site: 2. Go to the "Online Articles & Databases" link, then select JSTOR. There are many other good options in this menu,…
Wood Shop
WOOD SHOP Our fully equipped wood-shop facilities include a full array of hand tools, table saws, drill presses, and a host of other tools. The shop is staffed by qualified shop technicians that support students in realizing a wide array of projects: from an intricate architectural model, to a custom furniture piece, or even…
Robotic Laboratory
ROBOTICS LABORATORY Our newly established robotics lab is exploring emerging methods of representation and fabrication within architecture and design. As robot technology is rapidly advancing within architecture practice we conduct hands-on research tied to the profession and potential building applications.
Open Studio Spaces
OPEN STUDIO SPACES Both online and onsite studio environments in the architecture programs encourage public and transparent dialogue between students and faculty. Onsite students see quickly that the environment is one of open studio “classrooms” and presentation spaces. Online, students are engaged in discussion and activities through the online platform as well as social…
Metal Shop
METAL SHOP The metal shop expands students opportunities to realize their projects and explore the potentials of different material expression and technique. Students can learn a variety of metal fabrication processes.
Large Atrium Space
ATRIUM The large open atrium is literally the heart of our school, it is here where we conduct events, public lectures, and presentations of student work.
Brannan Cafe
BRANNAN CAFE Our cafe is located on the ground level of our 601 Brannan building. Huge roll-up doors let natural daylight in, and students gather around throughout the day for a break from studio, to meet with friends, or for time alone.
Digital Fabrication
DIGITAL FABRICATION Advanced digital fabrication equipment including laser cutters, 3D printers CNC routers among many others are deeply embedded into our curriculum. Students learn to use these tools and apply them into their design process.
Shop, 3D Print Lab and Lasercutting
Registered students with a supported course fee or who have paid a shop, lab or studio fee can reserve individual shop, lab or studio workspace onsite through this link: on the "onsite reservations tab" ALL students can also send projects to be processed by our rapid prototyping lab through our remote submission process: Submitting…