EESA-NCARB Education Evaluation


EESA: Education Evaluation Services for Architects


Courses in our BArch and MArch programs can help meet EESA-NCARB Education Evaluation requirements. NAAB frequently refers our NAAB-accredited programs to candidates seeking US licensure. Candidates must receive pre-approval from NAAB for any proposed courses to ensure compliance with the most up-to-date requirements.

Our NAAB accredited programs are reviewed on an 8-year cycle. BArch accreditation was renewed in 2018 and MArch in 2022. In between reviews, we are responsible for compliance with the NAAB criteria that was in effect at the time of the review. As a result, BArch is under the 2014 NAAB criteria until about 2025. Energy modeling (Building Performance) is one recent change in NAAB criteria. In preparation for the next review in 2027, we are in the process of updating our curriculum to meet the new criteria.


Evaluation services performed by Education Evaluation Services for Architects (EESA), a partnership program between the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), are provided for individuals seeking an NCARB certification or registration in a U.S. jurisdiction who do not have a professional degree in architecture from a program accredited by the NAAB- or Canadian Architectural Certification Board- Conseil Canadien de Certification en Architecture (CACB/CCCA).


The NCARB Education Standard is an approximation of the requirements of a professional degree from a program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). It includes liberal arts, professional studies, and electives, which together comprise a professional education in architecture.

We receive the most number of inquiries about Building Technology and Professional Practice. Suggested course list below is based on 2023 NCARB Education Guidelines. Please submit a course syllabus to NAAB for pre-approval. For course syllabi, please contact our Admissions team at 1-800-544-2787.

Note: Unless NAAB specifically requires studio courses, we recommend opting for non-studio courses. Studio courses are 6 credits and require a time commitment of 18 hours each week minimum (most weeks require more time). Design studio courses involve physical model making for which you will need model making tools and supplies. Please be sure to connect with our Admissions team to determine the best course to submit to NAAB for pre-approval.

Building Technology

(NCARB Education Guidelines, 2023, pages 33-36)

A. Structural Systems

  1. ARH 320 Structures: Wood and Steel (pre-requisite: Trigonometry, Physics covering Statics)
  2. ARH 330 Structures: Concrete, Masonry, and Tensile Systems (pre-requisite: Trigonometry, Physics covering Statics)
  3. ARH 602 Structures (graduate course)

B. Environmental Control Systems

  1. ARH 430 Climate and Energy Use: Sustainable Strategies (passive systems)
  2. ARH 440 Design Technology: Environmental Controls
  3. ARH 605 Graduate Design Technology: Environmental Controls (graduate course)

C. Construction Materials and Assemblies

  1. ARH 239 Materials and Methods
  2. ARH 604 Materials and Methods of Construction: Building Detailing (graduate course)

D. Building Service and Enclosure Systems

  1. ARH 399 Building Information Modeling (includes enclosure systems)
  2. ARH 440 Design Technology: Environmental Controls
  3. ARH 441 Tectonics: Code Analysis and Building Envelope Documentation (includes enclosure systems)
  4. ARH 604 Materials and Methods of Construction: Building Detailing (graduate course)
  5. ARH 605 Graduate Design Technology: Environmental Controls (graduate course)

E. Technical Documentation

  1. ARH 399 Building Information Modeling
  2. ARH 441 Tectonics: Code Analysis and Building Envelope Documentation
  3. ARH 606 Construction Documents and Building Codes (graduate course)

F. Project Cost Analysis

  1. ARH 441 Tectonics: Code Analysis and Building Envelope Documentation (cost estimate of envelope system)

G. Building Performance

  1. ARH 430 Climate and Energy Use: Sustainable Strategies (will include energy modeling starting in Fall 2024)
  2. *ARH 440 Design Technology: Environmental Controls (will include energy modeling starting in Fall 2025)
  3. LA 292 Programming and Culture (occupant surveys)

Professional Practice

(NCARB Education Guidelines, 2023, pages 37-38)

A. Project Management

  1. ARH 441 Tectonics: Code Analysis and Building Envelope Documentation
  2. ARH 475 Professional Practices for Architects
  3. ARH 614 Architectural Professional Practices (graduate course)

B. Business Management

  1. ARH 475 Professional Practices for Architects
  2. ARH 614 Architectural Professional Practices (graduate course)

C. Laws and Regulations

  1. ARH 441 Tectonics: Code Analysis and Building Envelope Documentation
  2. ARH 475 Professional Practices for Architects
  3. ARH 614 Architectural Professional Practices (graduate course)

D. Ethics and Professional Conduct

  1. ARH 475 Professional Practices for Architects
  2. ARH 614 Architectural Professional Practices (graduate course)

Design Synthesis

(NCARB Education Guidelines, 2023, pages 31-32)

A. Fundamental Design

  1. ARH 150 Studio 2: Spatial Ordering and Form (6 credits)
  2. ARH 255 Studio 4: Assembly Building and Context (6 credits)

B. Investigative Design

  1. ARH 350. Studio 6: Site Conditions and Building Performance (6 credits)
  2. ARH 315 Studio 5: Advocacy in Design (6 credits)

C. Design and Building Integration

  1. ARH 410 Studio 7: Tectonics and Structure (co-requisite ARH 420 Structures: Systems Investigation for a total of 9 credits)
  2. ARH 450 Studio 8: Housing and Integrated Design (co-requisite ARH 440 Design Technology: Environmental Controls for a total of 9 credits)