HOMECOMING | Detroit 50
NOMA is honored to celebrate our 50th Year Anniversary in Detroit, where our twelve founders convened for the 1971 AIA Conference. Over the past five decades, NOMA has grown to over 2,500 members in over 120 professional and student chapters in North America. In 2021, we invite you to join us in Detroit as we honor our history, relish in our present day accomplishments and look to build a brighter future for our profession and our communities. All of the most up to date details are here on our event site.
We invite you to watch our NOMA Homecoming | Detroit 50 commemorative video, written and performed by Detroit native, Jessica Care Moore, with original music by John Bunkley, also a Detroiter. The film was commissioned by NOMA and executive produced by Kimberly Dowdell and Tiffany Brown. Commercial real estate firm, Bedrock Detroit sponsored and provided in-kind services to produce the powerful video that we are all so proud to share. Many thanks to Bedrock and the entire NOMA team for helping to make this possible. We are NOMA…the frontline of architecture begins here.
October 20, 2021—October 23, 2021
8:00 AM-10:00 PM ET
Conference Registration Fees for attending virtually:
$50 for Student Members
$75 for Student Non-Members
$150 for Professional Members ($200 after 10/1/21)
$250 for Professional Non-Members ($300 after 10/1/21)
Questions? Contact
Schedule of Events
There are multiple seminar topics available on 10/21 Thu, 10/22 Fri, 10/23 Sat. The schedule is at this link
From NOMA:
The NOMA conference is organized by NOMA national staff and volunteers, as well as the NOMA Detroit chapter. Over forty educational sessions are offered, featuring a variety of areas of interest for all experience levels and disciplines in the diverse field of architecture. Designers and researchers in the field of architecture, urbanism, landscape design and urban planning submitted proposals for the development of initiatives and design works that make a meaningful contribution for the central theme of the conference. Sessions are reviewed by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for continuing education credits, including required Health Safety and Welfare (HSW) designations.
Conference seminar tracks include:
DESIGN: The track will focus on new, award-winning and legacy design projects executed by NOMA members and other professionals that express innovative design strategies in sustainability, material usage and/or technical expertise that was used in an innovative manner. Projects that have had a positive impact on the community that they serve should, along with LEED, BREEAM, Living Building Challenge and WELLS buildings will be considered a part of this track.
TECHNICAL: The track will focus on new products and design techniques that introduce and review technical skills, materials, and systems that span all skill levels.
COMMUNITY & JUSTICE: The track will focus on public and civic projects that benefit communities through social and environmental justice and social responsibility. Topics that are tailored towards housing discrimination, education, home equity, environmental justice, sustainable design, etc. will be considered.
BUSINESS: The track of seminars will be geared toward starting a firm, marketing, firm growth, investing in the future, and succession planning. Seminars that discuss access to capital, recruitment strategies, purchasing, and policies that positively impact people working in the built environment will be considered. This track will also include the development of emerging professionals – including but not limited to internships, ARE, AXP, mentorship, and aide in career growth.
LEGACY/HOMECOMING: NOMA was founded in Detroit 50 years ago. This track includes seminars that highlight the history and accomplishments of NOMA from its inception to current day and beyond.
There is a lot of talk about Detroit’s “comeback” and Renaissance, but truth is DETROIT NEVER LEFT. We look to recognize and celebrate those that have remained through the many evolutions of Detroit and its landscape over the last half-century. The seminars will honor the Detroiters who organized, built, and empowered through design.