Jim Jennings – Fall 2019 Lecture
Thursday Nov 21st / 6:00pm / Brannan Atrium

Nationally recognized architect, Jim Jennings, FAIA who was recently awarded the 2019 Maybeck Award by the AIA California at the Monterey Design Conference founded Jim Jennings Architecture in 1975. In describing the sublime nature of Jim Jennings work, the American Academy of Arts an letters stated “Jim Jennings’ body of work has a consistent and unwavering beauty and strength that demonstrates the highest ideals of modern architecture”.
In his own words, Jim states “ as a native Californian, I have a deeply embedded connection to the geometries of the landscape and to the abstract and variable qualities of natural light. Design emanates from the site, from the clues and conditions found there. Each physical circumstance suggests a particular expression of scale, space, form and material.”
In 2006 the Visiting Artist House was awarded the AIA National Honor Award and was described as one of “the five most influential and inspired houses of the past decade”.
The School of Architecture could not be more pleased to host Jim Jennings at 601 Brannan and bring the high craft of his work to our students.
The Lecture is free and open to the public. It can be live-streamed here: https://youtu.be/3JaeHJUaF9A