High School Intensive: Pavilion Architecture

Serpentine Pavilion, Toyo Ito & Cecil Balmond, London, 2002


High School Intensive


This is a tuition-free class.


Over 3 Saturdays, this course will provide introduction to the most fundamental aspect of architecture which is to develop a design concept through an iterative process.

10/5 Sat 3:30-6:30pm Precedents, Concept Iteration, Form-Making

10/12 Sat 3:30-6:30pm Form-Making Refinements

10/19 Sat 3:30-6:30pm Exhibition of Student Work


AE INT 03 Pavilion Architecture


Course Description

Buildings with a clear design concept offer memorable experiences for people as they move through and engage. Taking inspiration from pavilions by renowned architects, develop a design concept based on how you want people to feel in your architecture. Working iteratively, make a physical model to visualize your design concept.

Based on the annual Serpentine Pavilion competition in London, UK


Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a volumetric articulation differentiating interior and exterior spaces.
  2. Develop a circulation logic for entering, moving through, and exiting the structure.
  3. Modulate how light enters the architecture and interacts with the architectural forms.
  4. Correlate design decisions with intended user experience.
  5. Use an iterative design process incorporating feedback to make revisions.
  6. Contribute to creating a Studio Culture by participating in design critiques.

Serpentine Gallery Pavilions by Frances Kere 2017, Sou Fujimoto 2013, Selgascano 2015

For more student work examples from our Architecture Pre-College courses, please visit these pages:

2024 Onsite Summer Pre-College Architecture Program

AE ARH 10 Architecture and the City

AE ARH 40 Architecture Maker Lab

AE ARH 30 Art in Architecture