B.Arch. Students Travel to NYC
The Academy of Art University Bachelor of Architecture program conducted a trip to New York City from Sept 18-22, 2013 for 23 students enrolled in ARH 310 – 3rd year design BArch studio, to study architectural and urban issues in the Big Apple. This semester’s project site is in NYC on the Highline, one of the most significant urban reinventions to be designed and implemented in the last few decades. The architectural design project will link the student’s emerging language of design to urbanism and urban theory. In New York students had a tour of 4 World Trade Center and the WTC memorial and honored the firefighters near the site. They walked the Highline, saw great architecture, caroused Central Park and visited amazing museum shows.
Students are now working on their New York design project with vigor, motivation and a deeper understanding of the unique urbanism of New York City. The success of this trip has allowed students in the BArch program who are from all over the world, experience a very different context from their San Francisco typical design location. The Architecture school looks forward to offering the travel experience to more third year students in the near future. The trip was lead this semester by ARH Faculty; Carol Buhrmann, Beverly Choe and Ethen Wood.