Kincade Fire

Kincade Fire Devastates the Marin and Solano Counties

October 28, 2019

This weekend brought the month of October to a close, and with it came yet another conflagration to devastate us all. Those living in Marin and Solano County were either being evacuated or living in constant fear of getting evacuated at some point during this tumultuous time. Those still fortunate to be able to stay at home dealt with having no power from early Sunday morning and onward.

It has been four days since the Kincade Fire began, and as of this morning the damage encompasses more than 66,000 acres, destroying a minimum of 96 structures that included 49 homes. The raging winds, some of which came awfully close to reaching 100 mph, whipped the fire into a larger frenzy, sweeping it across county borders.

Although initially the fire was 10% contained around 5 PM on Sunday, at this current point in time it has dropped to 5%. The battle continues between firefighters and this raging beast, with a few injuries already being sustained.

Smoke saturates the air once more and although the purple and red sunset looks amazing, it is a sad sight to behold knowing that people are losing their homes and we have once more lost devastating amounts of land.

Where ever you may live, be safe and secure. Our thoughts go out to you all and we send those thoughts to the victims of this natural disaster.


Featured image courtesy of: The New York Times