WELCOME College of Marin STUDENTS!
We are excited to tell you about our program. On this page, you will find information about the School of Architecture and what we have to offer. Please reach us at architecture@academyart.edu with any questions.
The transfer pathways below show your courses mapped to equivalent Academy of Art courses. For questions about transfers and cost of attendance, please reach us at admissions@academyart.edu
For an overview of the School of Architecture, including curriculum maps, cost of attendance, and student work examples, please go to this page.
For instructions on how to request course waivers and transfers, please go to this page.
For information on the School of Landscape Architecture and the School of Interior Architecture and Design, please go to this page.
Designing the Built Environment: Architecture / Landscape/Interior
This curriculum map shows courses mapped to our Bachelor of Arts in Architecture courses. Gray squares indicate potential transfer courses.

This curriculum map shows courses mapped to our Bachelor of Architecture courses. Gray squares indicate potential transfer courses.