Information for College of Marin Students

Information for College of Marin Students

Welcome College of Marin Students!

We are excited to tell you about our program. On this page,  you will find information about the School of Architecture and what we have to offer. Please reach us at with any questions.

The sample transfer pathway below shows courses mapped to equivalent ArtU Architecture courses. Architecture transfer courses will be confirmed pending portfolio and transcript reviews.

For questions about the transfer application process and cost of attendance, please reach us at


For an overview of the School of Architecture, curriculum maps, student work examples, and more, please go to this page.

School of Architecture Overview

Architecture Course Transfer Request

For guidance on how to request Architecture course waivers and transfers, please go to this page.

Transfer Students

This sample curriculum map shows courses mapped to our Bachelor of Architecture courses. Gray squares indicate possible transfer courses. Transfer placement is based on review of portfolio and transcripts.

Related Majors

For information about the School of Landscape Architecture and the School of Interior Architecture and Design, please go to this page.

Designing the Built Environment: Architecture / Landscape/Interior