Meet your Fall 2019 Student Reps: Micah Goshi, Ei Kay Khine Zin, and Connor Bowes
September 13, 2019

Ei Kay Khine Zin, who prefers to be called “K,” is from Myanmar. She is currently enrolled in ARH 619, which is the last studio before thesis, and is minutes from her graduation. K is very interested in collaboration, adjusting, negotiation, counseling and helping others. She also knows the importance of responsibility.
Using all the skills that she has learned, she is ready to once more serve as the representative for the graduate architecture student body. She would love for you free to reach out to her with your concerns and issues, either in person or by e-mail.
K is glad to be a part of student counsel and to contribute to a better student society. She can reached at

Connor Bowes is currently in his third year in the BARCH program. He is interested in going into sustainable design. This is Connor’s first semester as a student representative.

Micah Goshi comes from Honolulu, Hawaii. He has recently completed his first year onsite at AAU for the Masters of Architecture. He currently holds an undergraduate degree in Sports Medicine but decided to get a Masters of Architecture because he wanted to go into a profession more focused on design. This will be Micah’s second semester serving as a student representative.