ARH 810: Master of Architecture Thesis

ARH 810: Master of Architecture Thesis

Faculty: Mark Mueckenheim / David Gill / Alberto Bertoli / Nicole Lambrou / Jaime Daroca / Maria Paz De Moura Castro / Peter Strzebniok

Course Description

In the thesis course you will develop a comprehensive architecture proposal. You will build on the architectural thesis proposal developed in the Thesis Preparation and Development course to produce an integrated building project. The course requires that you work through an iterative design process, paying special attention to environmental concerns, social equity considerations, and the development of an inclusive design response that build directly on your research. The thesis project will demonstrate your capacity to apply the various architectural tools and subjects you learned throughout your course of study into a cohesive and comprehensive proposal, utilizing the most effective representation techniques to communicate your project intent at various scales.

Course Learning Outcomes

As a result of successfully completing this course, students…

  • Will be able to:

    • Develop a comprehensive architectural project
    • Produce a presentation of this project
    • Produce a thorough documentation of the project (thesis booklet)
    • Formulate a thesis and a resulting project that advances the field