The Kain Scholarship

California Architectural Foundation is offering the Kain Scholarship.

Robert J. Kain Healthcare Design Education Scholarship encourages students to pursue specialized practice in design and delivery of healthcare facilities and healing environments.

Founded by AIA California’s Healthcare Facilities Forum Committee in memory of their colleague, the Robert J. Kain Healthcare Design Education Scholarship, known as The Kain Scholarship, strives to encourage and support architecture students interested in pursuing a career in the design and delivery of hospitals and healing environments. With forces that continually shift and improve healthcare delivery, this scholarship opportunity supports the importance of developing the next generation of architects to create the innovative design and delivery needs of tomorrow’s healthcare facilities.


$2,000 to help offset costs of higher education in architecture. Award can be used for qualified tuition and related expenses and/or to otherwise improve or enhance capacity, skill or talent in the field of healthcare architecture.

Award recipients will be recognized at and invited to participate in AIA CA’s 2020 virtual Healthcare Facilities Forum on October 15.

Submission Guidelines PDF

Submission Deadline: September 8, 2020 by 11:59pm PST

Proof of enrollment as a full-time student in an architecture program at a California college or university and a California resident.

Submitted in a single PDF document in portrait orientation, 8 ½ x 11 paper size. Submission is not to exceed 10 pages and 8MB.

Page 1: A one-page personal essay on why a career in Healthcare Architecture is of
interest to you and what you hope to gain from working in this profession

Page 2 – 3: Biography and/or Resume

Page 4: One letter of support from an AIA member, a professor, or an educator

Pages 5 – 10: A portfolio. Show casing healthcare work is preferred


AIA California Submission Portal