Paul R Williams


Black History Month Celebrates Diversity in Design


On February 23rd, 6 pm (PST), Academy of Art University’s School of Interior Architecture and Design will host an exclusive live webinar to discuss the well-received PBS documentary “Hollywood’s Architect”. Join co-producers/directors Royal Rodgers and Kathy McCampbell Vance along with the authors Bret Parsons, Marc Appleton and Stephan Gee to discuss the life and legacy of Paul R. Williams. This will be an evening on Zoom showcasing the life work of California architect Paul Revere Williams, also known as the “Architect to the Stars”.

“Hollywood’s Architect” is the true story of Paul R. Williams. Despite oppression and numerous obstacles, he becomes one of the greatest architects of his time. The film is a reminder that a community filled with diversity of cultures, races, and ideas is far better than one in fear of it.

The evening will kick-off with a presentation by Bret Parsons, Marc Appleton, and Stephan Gee on their recently released book on Paul Williams – the fourth in a series dedicated to the important work of master architects who made an indelible imprint on Southern California during the robust real estate expansion of the first half of the twentieth century.  The life and work of Paul Williams, whose talent and creative courage was integral in shaping the iconic look of residential Los Angeles, will be examined by Bret Parsons. Following this Bret will be joined by Marc Appleton, Stephan Gee, Royal Rodgers and Kathy McCampbell Vance to give further insight into the career and inspirational story of this most improbable architect.

The Academy’s very own VP of Marketing, Kay Evans, coincidentally is also very good friends with Bret Parsons. Together, they will set the stage for an enlightening and engaging discussion. The finale will be Kay hosting a Q+A with our guests answering questions about Paul Williams’ remarkable life and career.

This event is free and open to all. To join the live webinar, please pre-watch the documentary, “Hollywood’s Architect”, any time before February 23rd by clicking on this link or scanning the QR code below. Once you have watched the documentary, please log into the webinar by 6pm (PST) on February 23rd, 2021 by clicking the following link.


Tentative Schedule

6:00 pm: Introduction of participants

6:15 pm: Presentation by Brett Parsons

7:00 pm: Q & A with all participants

8:00 pm: Finish