Ethics & Leadership Panel

Naomi Rosenberg, M.Arch

Senior Designer

Media and Accessible Design Laboratory, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Naomi Rosenberg is Senior Designer in the Media and Accessible Design Laboratory (MAD Lab) at the LightHouse, developing design standards and processes for tactile maps and graphics produced by 3D printer, embosser, and UV printer.

Supporting the MAD Lab’s purpose, to provide access to information for people who are blind and visually impaired (BVI), Naomi’s work promotes the idea that increased quantity and quality of tactile graphics leads to improved tactile literacy.

Naomi has produced tactile graphics and 3D models in collaboration with educators and researchers creating curriculum for BVI students, as well as designing maps and graphics for institutions and companies, ranging from amusement parks to classroom materials to coding apps. Naomi has led the award-winning TMAP (Tactile Maps Automated Production) project at the LightHouse, aiming to ensure that the maps are available and useful to the widest range of BVI travelers and educators.

Naomi lives with her PhD-student partner and preschooler in Goleta, CA, where she spends much of her free time creating cardboard or 3D-printed toys and sewing costumes.