Ethics and Leadership 2018
Wednesday April 11 6:00pm- 8:00pm
The Spring 2018 Ethics and Leadership Panel will be considering the theme of Designing for Well Being. How have architects influenced and advocated for “well being” from the human environment to the health of the planet? All of our panelists are architects whose education was guided by their passion and interest in health and the environments we create. These three women have harnessed their architectural expertise to become leaders in the realms of environmental design and sustainability.
Attendance and participation at this event is required for all Undergraduate students in thesis ( ARH 510, ARH 550, ARH 475), intermediate studios ( ARH 310, ARH 350, ARH 410, ARH 430 and ARH 450) Midpoint Studio ( ARH 250).
This event will be livestreamed for online students and faculty