Accessibility Professionals Association
2020 Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship Application
The Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship was established in 2010 by the Accessibility Professionals Association (APA) to honor the life and career of our colleague Jim Boyce who made a lasting impact in the field of accessibility compliance.
Following are the parameters under which the Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship, hereafter referred to as the “Scholarship,” will be administered:
1. The total annual scholarship amount will be determined by the Scholarship Committee/APA Board of Directors. Annual award amount may be awarded to one qualified recipient or divided between two qualified recipients as determined by the scholarship committee.
2. Funding for this APA scholarship and any associated administrative costs is provided entirely by donations or fundraisers within the APA organization.
3. Eligibility requirements
a. The applicant must be a resident of the USA.
b. The applicant must be CURRENTLY ENROLLED in an accredited degree program in architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, construction management, interior design or other degree program closely related to accessibility/universal design at a United States institution of higher learning. High school seniors who are applying for college are NOT eligible.
c. The applicant must be in good in standing with the college or university and have a cumulative grade point average equivalent to 2.5 or better in a grading system that utilizes a 4.0 scale.
d. The applicant must demonstrate some experience as well as an active and career interest in accessibility/universal design. Studies and projects in universal design and constructing or creating a model of accessibility compliant facilities may be ways to demonstrate such interest.
4. Scholarship Applicants will be evaluated and selected by a Scholarship Committee as appointed by the APA Board. Scholarship Recipients will be selected based on the applicant’s qualifications and the following criteria:
a. Grades
b. Experience/Interest in Accessible/Universal Design
c. Career Interest in Accessible/Universal Design
d. Discretionary Evaluation of Scholarship Committee
5. All information pertaining to the Scholarship process and candidates shall be held in complete confidence by the Scholarship Committee and the APA Board; however, all such information shall be made available to the APA Board at their request. The names of Scholarship Recipients may be used in publication as “previous scholarship winners” unless the Scholarship Committee receives a request of anonymity in writing from a particular scholarship recipient.
6. Candidates that have previously applied for or been awarded the Scholarship will be eligible to re-apply any year following their award or previous application.
7. The completed and signed application, unofficial transcript, and all supporting documents must be submitted no later than March 31 of the spring semester for which the applicant is applying.
8. At least one and no more than two letters of recommendation must be submitted by the application deadline of March 31. Letters of recommendation may be uploaded to the application by the applicant or may be emailed by the recommender to
9. Scholarship Recipients will be notified of his/her award by the Jim Boyce Memorial Scholarship Committee no later than April 31st in the semester year they are applying. Funding of the scholarship will occur on or before May 31st, in the semester year for which the scholarship has been awarded.
If you have technical difficulties with the application, please email