Panel Discussion: Solutions for Student Housing Affordability at AIA SF


Panel Discussion: Solutions for Student Housing Affordability


AIA SF is hosting a panel discussion on the topic of student housing affordability. All are invited to attend!

  • Date and Time: 11/12 Tue 6-8pm
  • Location: Gensler, 220 Montgomery St. Suite 200, San Francisco
  • Cost: $10 for students

The event is held at Gensler so it is an opportunity to see their new SF office!

Register HERE


About the Event

The California housing shortage and its high costs are triggering a ripple effect across different stratums of society, including those who study at places of education. Students are suffering this crisis, with many of them living in hotels or even vehicles. Nearly ten percent of UC Santa Cruz students reported experiencing homelessness, according to a 2020 UC-system survey. Affordable student housing at places of education may be just one part of California’s larger housing crisis, but it is an essential component of creating a more just society, and a highly educated and highly skilled workforce for the future. How have we gotten to this place? What are the challenges to overcome the current regulatory, political, and financial barriers? And what actions or policies are or could be put into effect to solve these challenges? These are some of the questions that will be discussed and analyzed by our panel of experts. Please join us for an evening of discussion, debate, and possibilities for the future that affect your projects, your campuses, and you and your families. (from AIA SF)



Samuel Jones
Executive Director University Housing Services
California State University-Sacramento


Michelle Andrews
District Representative
Office of Senator Scott Wiener


Sean Falvey
Vice President and Regional Manager of Sundt’s Building Group in Northern California
Sundt Construction


Zennon Ulyate-Crow
Distributive Organizer
Grassroots Democrats HQ